
Showing 1–18 of 43 results
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Basil Sweet Herb Seeds Plant
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Sweet Basil Seeds (250 Seeds) A distinct and flavoursome herb used in all kinds of Italian cooking, basil is a wonderful addition to any herb garden or kitchen windowsill. A quick growing plant, it’s ideal for picking fresh leaves to top off...

Burnet Seeds (Great & Salad Burnet)
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Great & Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba) Seeds Found growing naturally in floodplains and damp meadows, great burnet is a beautiful plant that produces a display of deep red flower clusters atop tall green stems. Sadly, this lovely flower is in decline due...

50 Seeds
Carrot Nantes Seeds
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Nantes Carrot Seeds (400 Seeds) A lovely early carrot, Nantes produces blunt-ended roots with a small core. This variety is ideal for growing in pots or planters, making it perfect for gardeners with limited space. It can be harvested as a baby...

Chilli Pepper Jalapeno Seeds
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Jalapeno Chilli Pepper Seeds (10 Seeds) A well-known and versatile variety of chilli, jalapenos are a great all-rounder. Produces small to medium size chillies which can be harvested green or left to ripen and go red. Suitable for growing in a...

Chive Seeds
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Chive Seeds (250 Seeds) Looking for an easy-to-grow plant that's both a wildflower and herb? Chives are perfect! This perennial herb will keep coming back year after year and requires very little care once established. Both the leaves and beautiful...

Coriander Herb Seeds
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Coriander Seeds (100 Seeds) A fresh, leafy herb with a distinct look and flavour, coriander is an essential ingredient in lots of curries and Mexican dishes. The frilly-edged leaves make this an attractive plant to grow on your kitchen windowsill, ready...

Corncockle Seeds (Agrostemma githago)
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Corncockle (Agrostemma githago) Seeds A beautiful herbaceous annual with five-petalled pink flowers, corncockle is a wonderful addition to any garden. Sadly, this wildflower has seen a dramatic decline in numbers, and is now almost extinct in the wild. Displaying dainty yet...

50 Seeds
Cornflower Seeds (Centaurea cyanus)
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Blue Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) Seeds One of nature's rare blue flowers, these iconic blooms sport many individual petals, each with a unique star shape. An increasingly rare sight in the wild, cornflowers are now classed as endangered in the UK....

100 Seeds
Cress Seeds
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Cress Seeds (2g of Seeds) Perhaps the best-known microgreen, cress is one of the easiest and quickest plants you can grow, making it especially good for growing with children. You don’t need any special equipment, just a small plastic tray (such...

Cucumber Marketmore Seeds
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Marketmore Cucumber Seeds (10 seeds) A reliable ridge variety that produces large crops, Marketmore is a favourite for a reason. Suitable for indoor or outdoor growing, it’s a great fit for any space and produces fruit that can be eaten small,...

Dill Herb Seeds
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Dill Seeds (100 Seeds) With its unique appearance and taste, dill is an easily recognisable herb. Its feathery leaves are often used to flavour fish, soups, stews, and pickles. It has a fresh scent and is part of the celery family....

Field Poppy Seeds (Papaver rhoeas)
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Field Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) Seeds A striking bright red flower with delicate and easily recognisable petals, the common poppy stands out in any setting. Immortalised in poetry, poppies have long been a symbol of remembrance. Due to intense agricultural practices, this...

200 Seeds
Forget-Me-Not Seeds (Myosotis arvensis)
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Forget-Me-Not Seeds (Myosotis arvensis) Also known as field forget me not, this variety produces beautiful clusters of blue and occasionally pink flowers. With tiny blue petals and a vibrant yellow centre these delightful flowers are sure to brighten any garden space. They're also...

200 Seeds
Forget-Me-Not Seeds Funeral Favours
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These beautiful flowers are a perfect way for guests to create lasting memories of a loved one Funerals are a difficult time for people coming to terms with loss. As a special symbol of remembrance, our packs of forget me...

Leek Musselburgh Seeds
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Musselburgh Leek Seeds (50 Seeds) Leeks are a classic winter crop with a long harvesting period that can take you from Autumn right through to Spring. A very hardy plant, you can be harvesting leeks on even the coldest of winter days....

Lettuce Little Gem (Cos)
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Lettuce Little Gem (Cos) Seeds (250 Seeds) Lettuce Little Gem is a compact and sweet variety of cos lettuce, perfect for small spaces and containers. This easy-to-grow lettuce has a crisp texture and sweet taste, making it ideal for salads...

Meadow Buttercup Seeds (Ranunculus acris)
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Meadow Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) Seeds A beloved flower found in grasslands and fields across the UK, meadow buttercup is easily recognised by its sunny yellow petals. Each plant displays a spray of small five-petalled flowers on a tall green stalk. Reaching...

50 Seeds
Musk Mallow Seeds (Malva moschata)
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Musk Mallow (Malva moschata) Seeds Musk mallow is an upright perennial with dainty pink flowers. It is easy to grow from seed and looks wonderful amongst other summer-flowering wildflowers, such as Oxeye Daisy. The flowers produce a musky fragrance in warm weather, attracting bees...

50 Seeds